
New Paper: Toward Combining Domain Theory and Recipes in Plan Recognition

I'm excited to announce that my paper with R. Michael Young, "Toward Combining Domain Theory and Recipes in Plan Recognition" was accepted for publication at the 2017 Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition Workshop at this year's AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. In this paper, we proposed to combine two existing (symbolic) plan recognition variants into a new hybrid variant…

2016: My Publications in Review

Inspired by my colleague Neil Cohn's review of his publications in 2016, I thought it nice to reflect on what research I have published alongside other colleagues over the past year. I'm happy this year was very productive in terms of publications, and happier that it will culminate in my PhD and will continue in my future academic position (did I mention that I am on the job market?) These…

Export & Test a DLL with Visual Studio 2013

My mission: create a struct in Visual C++, export the struct via a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), and test the struct's methods in a Unit Test Project within Visual Studio 2013. Sounds simple enough right? Of course it isn't. Let's go through the motions, in case I can save some poor soul's time in the future. I started with an Empty C++ Project... ...and built a basic BankAccount struct.…